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10-Minute Anxiety Relief Meditation

In the next few minutes you will find relief from anxiety as the tension and negative energy drain away from your body.

Close your eyes. Visualize a radiant light. See the light start to flow down onto the crown of your head. You can feel the warmth flowing down over your forehead, smoothing and relaxing the muscles of your face, unlocking and releasing your jaw, softening your throat and back of your head.

The radiant light continues down, swirling around your neck and shoulders, warming any knots and releasing all tension. You feel your shoulders relax down your back, away from your ears. Your chest opens as light washes down your chest and the length of each arm to your fingertips.

You feel a light emanating from your heart, dim at first, then increasing its glow as the warm light dissolves all black residue.

Take a deep breath in, breathing in the pure clean light. Picture the light cleaning you of all worry, and all negativity as you breathe in. Breathe out, releasing all that no longer serves you.

Feel the warm glow of the light travel down over your stomach, warming the muscles in your lower back and stomach before it pauses to swirl around your hips. Any negative emotions stored in your lower back and hips start to warm, loosen, and release under the power of the healing warmth of the light.

Take a deep breath in, and exhale out all that no longer serves you.

Feel the warmth of the light massage down your legs, gliding over your feet and toes, building warm glowing energy on the soles of the feet, which roots you to the earth. You feel grounded and supported. Warmth flows up from the earth through your legs, hips, stomach, back, chest, and forehead, and threw the top of your head before falling around you. Feel the warmth of the light washing over you. Each muscle in your body relaxes.

Take a deep breath into the count of 1,2,3,4, and breathe out 6,5,4,3,2,1. Breathe in 1,2,3,4 and breathe out 6,5,4,3,2,1. Relax deeper into healing relaxation. Breathe in 1,2,3,4, and out 6,5,4,3,2,1.

Visualize yourself relaxing on a white sand beach. The sun is warm on your body and a gentle breeze, fragrant with the scent of the sea and orange blossoms caresses your skin. You can hear the splash of waves rolling rhythmically against the sand. You look out at the turquoise sea as you take a sip of a tropical drink. The laughter of your angel reaches your ears and you turn your head to see them frolicking in the waves.

A red sailboat glides into view and you sense your body grounding, your physical and emotional vitality magnifying as you gaze at the vivid red of the boat heading out to sea. In this moment you are at perfect peace. Like waves washing onto the shore, experiences will come and will go. Suffering will come, and release. Joy will wash forward, and retreat. But your inner serenity, beneath the constant shifting of your thoughts and emotions, will remain. Space has opened. A consciousness within you watches the thoughts and emotions float threw you and remains balanced and serene.

Your attention drifts to the orchard of orange trees. You walk over and grab a piece of the fruit and peel it, smiling with pleasure as the sweetness of the orange hits your taste buds and the scent of citrus mixes with the fresh sea breeze. Someone calls your name. Who is the one you love? Who is calling you to the water? Picture them in the waves, laughing and radiant with joy.

Turning, you run across the soft sand, and grab a green float mattress, carrying it down to the waves. You don’t hesitate but jump directly into the waves, love warming your heart as your attention turns to joining the fun. You scramble onto the green float, and laughing, so does your angel next to you, the waves rocking you both gently. Your eyes travel from the turquoise water of the shallows out into the deep blue of the sea at the horizon.

You dive under the waves and swim through the water. When you stand up in the shallow water it is as if all burdens fall away. The weight of all negative memories, emotions, and worries, have been washed clean. You are released.

As you pull a dark purple towel around you and relax under the warmth of the sun, a sense of deep connection with the source beneath all that has is and will be gives you deep peace unlike you have ever experienced. You lay down and close your eyes. You focus on the breath entering your nose. Cool as you inhale, warm as you exhale. Cool as you inhale, warm, as you exhale.

Repeat after me. I am grounded and strong. I am filled with abundant, ever-regenerating energy. I am fluid and relaxed. In stressful situations, I return my focus to my breath and the calm center of my being. I open a conscious space around suffering, treating myself with compassion. I am creative and capable. I can change and evolve. I take small steps every day toward creating the change I want to see, to fulfill a dream, to live a life of purpose. I have pure potential.

I am now fully energized, healed, and balanced. I am ready to return to my life with hope.

I feel confident and grounded. I feel more creative. I find myself being more loving towards others and more compassionate toward myself. I have elevated my energy and vibration to a higher level. I have a strong belief in myself, my knowledge, and my potential. I am evolving in wisdom and positivity.

Wisiahing you radiant health, joy, and abundance, Heather

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