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Chakra Meditation

Imagine a rotating a sphere of energy pulsating positive healing energy from the universe into your body and releasing any blocked energy or negative emotions that may be there.

1st or Root Chakra red

I am safe. I am grounded.

Sits at the base of your spine, at your tailbone.

2nd or Sacral Chakra yellow

Located two inches below your navel.

I hold the power to heal and be healed.

3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra orange

Located three inches above your navel.

I find complete balance and strength within.

4th or Heart Chakra green

Located at the heart.

I am pure existence, awareness, and love.

5th or Throat Chakra turquoise

Located in the throat.

I speak my truth with clarity and compassion.

6th or Third Eye Chakra blue

Located in the middle of the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead.

My intuition and imagination open and expand.

7th or Crown Chakra violet

Located at the top of the head.

My awareness expands without limit. I connect to universal life energy.

Visualize Red at the base of the spine.

I am safe.

I will love my body and listen to its signals for rest, movement, and nourishment. I am grounded and supported by the earth.

Prosperity flows to me as I act to earn abundance.

I radiate vitality.

Visualize Orange in the low belly and sacrum.

I welcome pleasure into my life.

I am balanced.

I move in a sensual flow of balance and respect for myself and all beings.

I nurture myself and others.

I am creative.

I open myself up to grace.

Visualize Yellow in the solar plexus and middle back.

I know my worth.

I have something to offer the world.

The fire of the third chakra melts away all blocks and fears.

I will act to manifest my dreams step by step, day by day.

I have the power and energy to meet and overcome challenges.

I have pure potential.

Visualize Green in the center of the heart and between the shoulder blades.

My heart is open to the infinite supply of love of the universe, or the divine.

I deserve love.

I act with loving kindness toward myself and others.

I am peaceful.

Compassion fills my actions with grace and love.

I have an inner balance.

Visualize Turquoise in the front and back of the throat.

Creativity flows out from me effortlessly into the world.

I can express myself clearly and calmly.

I can listen, and rest in silence.

I can hear and speak my truth.

Visualize Indigo at the middle of the forehead just above the eyebrows.

My third eye is open to receive wisdom.

I can trust my intuition.

I can act on my inner wisdom.

I sense and can detect the universe’s help to manifest my vision.

Visualize Violet at the crown of your head.

I am open.

I feel spiritually connected.

I can now feel a higher power guiding me.

I can transcend and overcome.

Now the cleansing white light flows through each chakra, healing and purifying with each inward breath. As you inhale, see your chakras glow brighter than before. As you exhale, breathe out all stagnant and dark energy.

Breathe in deeply. Exhale fully.

My awareness expands without limit. I connect to universal life energy.

My intuition and imagination open and expand.

I speak my truth with clarity and compassion.

I am pure existence, awareness, and love.

I find complete balance and strength within.

I hold the power to heal and be healed.

I am safe. I am grounded.

Ground your chakras back into your body, feeling yourself rooted and supported by the earth below you.

When you are ready to continue with your day, open your eyes and lift your focus.

I wish you healing, love, and serenity. Namaste. Heather Lenz

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