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How Can I Strengthen My Intuition?

Spiraling energy naturally swirls through all beings and in all things. If you squint your eyes and let your gaze blur, you can see the spirals in a dewdrop, a diamond, and within bubbles.

You can tiny see dancing spirals glinting and sparkling in the sunlight in various elements if you allow your eyes to go soft and your vision expansive, blurry, and unfocused. The spirals that are in all things are the energy that enables beings to evolve. 

Evolution is not linear.

There are jumps and oscillations. Huge swoops forward and a looping back can occur along the spiral. Sometimes a retreat is what propels a forward rush into new growth and expansion.

We, as humans, tend to perceive ourselves as the central focus, the protagonist of our story, which is unfolding linearly.

There is a back story, in the past, and a forward story, in the future, and most of us humans perceive the past as being behind and the future as spreading out in front of us. We are in the central point, the moment of now. Although now is the central point of the life story, most people’s awareness is either in the past or in the future. Rarely is the focus on right now. 

There has been so much talk about being present, being here, now, and it is helpful for many to become more aware and rooted into the center.

Now it is time to expand our awareness beyond being ‘here, now’, to a multidimensional perception of reality in which you are in the center of a spiral radiating outwards. There are layers or rings and combinations of perception we can access within the centrifugal force of the spiral. 

When we narrow our focus to the linear human story playing out on earth, we neglect an expansion into our full potential of vitality, heart radiance, wisdom, energetic magnetism, and mystical magic. Most humans scoff at the notion of the mystical, and the magical, and are either drawn to or wary of the person with magnetic charisma. 

Step ONE: Bring your awareness out of the linear storyline and into the spiral. You are at the center of the spiral. 

Attention to the past and future block your vitality, heart radiance, wisdom, and energetic magnetism. It is as if you damn a river so that but a trickle of a stream, or even less, can wash through you. Living with awareness in the linear makes you clenched, tight, and unable to be in the flow of full energetic abundance.

There are forces both on the earth and galactically that want to keep the density pushing down upon you on all sides so that your focus stays narrowed to the linear. In this way, they prevent you from rooting into presence vertically within your spiral expansion. You cannot easily harness the empowered, the wise, the awakened. Shifting your awareness to the vertical instead of the linear makes you a master of your energetic radiance.

Even if you can bring your awareness a few times a day for a minute or two to your linear line will start to shift you into more empowerment and vitality. Your energetic signature will strengthen as you oscillate at your unique pitch.


STEP TWO: Bring your awareness to your line of radiance which runs straight down from the university through the top of your head, through your torso, and out the pelvic floor and perineum and deep in the the center of the earth. 

Visualize, feel, or perceive the flow of light running up from the earth through your line of radiance out the crown of your head up to the original loving source. Then visualize, feel, or perceive the flow of light cascading back down along your line of radiance back through you and into the earth.

To begin with, it can be helpful to use your breath as a vehicle to increase your focus and perception of the light running through your line of radiance. As you inhale allow light up from the enter of the earth to flow up through your body and out the top of your head into the universe.

As you exhale allow a cascade of light, like a waterfall, to flow straight down back through your from the crown of your head and out your pelvis into the center of the earth. Inhale the light flows up. Exhale the light flows down. You can do this with your eyes closed to start and set aside five, ten, or even twenty minutes twice a day to anchor your awareness to the breath and your breath to the flow of light moving through you vertically. 

Bringing your awareness to your line of radiance will ignite more well-being, internal strength, resilience, centeredness, peace, and vitality. You will have a growing sense of your agency, your power, your abilities, gifts, and strengths. Yes, your empowerment will grow with each day you spend doing this meditation.

Once the meditation feels effortless with your eyes closed, you can open your eyes and do the same meditation. Then you will have your awareness both internally and vertically on the light flowing in your line of radiance even as you are aware of the outer world. 

STEP THREE: Remain rooted in your line of radiance as you expand at the center of the spiral. 

Once you can remain rooted with your awareness in the flight flowing up and down your line of radiance, you can expand your awareness at the same time 360 degrees around you. 

To begin with, you can do the following meditation:

As you inhale allow light up from the enter of the earth to flow up through your body and out the top of your head into the universe. As you exhale allow a cascade of light, like a waterfall, to flow straight down back through your from the crown of your head and out your pelvis into the center of the earth.

Remain empty of breath and empower your line of radiance. Intend for the light washing through you to grow brighter, broader, and more luminous. Feel, perceive, or visualize this light sparkling within you as it continues to flow vertically through you.

Now, inhale as the light flows up. Exhale as the light flows down. Remain empty of breath and expand the light from the center of your chest, your heart center, out 360 degrees around you into the universe. Repeat this sequence for 5 minutes.

Next, inhale as the light flows up. Exhale as the light flows down. Remain empty of breath and then expand the light from the center of your lower abdomen, about 1.5 inches below your belly button, your center of vitality, out 360 degrees around you into the universe.

Repeat this sequence for 5 minutes.

Next, inhale as the light flows up. Exhale as the light flows down. Remain empty of breath and expand the light from the center of your brain, your center of wisdom, out 360 degrees around you into the universe. Repeat this sequencefor 5 minutes.

To finish, anchor your light in your heart and feel the connection between heaven and earth flowing through you.

You can do this with your eyes closed to start and set aside five, ten, or even twenty minutes twice a day to anchor your awareness to the breath and your breath to the flow of light moving through you vertically and expand out from your core.

Remember: You are a radiant being of light, Heather and the the Angelics

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