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Struggling in Relationships? Discover How to Reconnect, Break Free from Cyclic Patterns, and Thrive Together

Discover How to Reconnect, Break Free from Cyclic Patterns, and Thrive Together

Whenever you find yourself entangled in the struggles of relationships, whether it's a mere annoyance or an overwhelming frustration, you've strayed from your inner sanctuary of awareness and vitality—the central column of light.

The central column of light symbolizes the innermost essence of your being, a conduit within you that grants access to inner peace, self-awareness, and healing energies. In reality, it comprises two vertical streams of light—one coursing along your spine, and the other in front of the spine, through the center of your torso.

Both these luminous streams serve as channels through which energy flows, emanating from both heaven (above the head) and earth (below the feet). This energy flows both upward and downward within the central column, fostering equilibrium and connection between your spiritual and physical aspects.

External factors like experiences, people, places, and even possessions can divert your awareness away from this central column of light. At times, you may allow your attention to be drawn away, while at other times, it feels as if you're pushed out.

The reassuring truth is, that returning to yourself is always within reach.

No matter how often you get entangled, pushed, ejected, or thrown out of your central column of light, you can always find your way back home. You can beckon your energy away from everyone and everything, disentangle it from past and future events, and bring your entire awareness to the light flowing through your torso.

Remember, all healing occurs in the present. Your mind may argue that you must revisit and judge past events to learn from them, safeguard against future pain, and facilitate personal growth.

However, the mind is not the gateway to healing; it's the heart.

Reviewing and replaying the past can create energetic blockages within your body and around your heart. It's natural to want to shield yourself from past wounds. After all, who wants to endure the same pain twice?

Yet, often, replaying past events mentally doesn't empower you; in those scenarios, you're either the victim, the aggressor, or the bystander trapped in dramatic energy dynamics.

So, what's your default response when you're hurt or fear being hurt? What protective mechanisms do you rely on? Tune into the energy coursing vertically within you, summon all your energy back, and seek clarity to discern your coping mechanisms.

In the present moment, with your awareness of the energy flowing up and down within you from heaven and earth, you gain a chance to see things with greater clarity.

You can grieve, grow, forgive, or seek forgiveness.

You can be authentic and vulnerable.

You can resist the impulse to appear flawless, to shield yourself, or to pretend everything is fine.

You can remain open and engage, even when the urge to close off arises.

Seeking clarity demands courage.

Remember, no one and nothing can harm your soul essence.

At a soul level, you are unbreakable.

Your soul is eternal, and you possess an infinite connection to the first mover, to the divine, or to whatever term resonates as the original source of all existence for you.

However, the moment you think, "I cannot be broken," your mind might generate a rapid list of ways it believes you could be vulnerable. Think of your mind as a loyal but protective dog. Express gratitude for its protective instincts, but assert your role as the master and caretaker of your mind.

Redirect your awareness from your mind to the light streaming up and down within your body. Return to your central column of light. Embrace the indomitable power of your soul essence.

You can elevate your awareness straight up and, from this vertical vantage point in the present, envision a multitude of timelines spreading out in all directions, encircling you.

Imagine that, just like everyone else, you exist on an infinite number of timelines, not just one on Earth.

From a soul's perspective, consider what you wish to learn and what connections you wish to forge with people, events, experiences, and even objects.

What do you yearn to learn?

How do you aspire to connect?

What kind of life and interactions do you desire?

What frequency do you hope to resonate with most frequently?

As you return to yourself, staying within your central column of light streams, contemplate what you believe others owe you, what you owe them, and what you owe yourself.

You might answer with kindness, respect, gratitude, abundance, appreciation, loyalty, time, energy, apologies, forgiveness, devotion, release, humor, seriousness, playfulness, effort, lightness, responsibility, nurturing, freedom, or something else entirely.

What are the top three things you feel you owe others? Conversely, what are the top three things you believe others owe you? You can create a list of the most significant people in your life or group individuals and allocate the top three things they owe you and you owe them.

Take a moment to pause and then consider how crucial it is for you to fulfill all those things you believe others owe you, you owe them, and you owe yourself. What would it feel like if all debts were absolved, leaving no obligations to anyone, including yourself?

The truth is, aside from caring for dependent children, the only debt you owe anyone is honesty and your best effort to not harm. Your responsibility to others and yourself is to live truthfully and strive to cause no harm—nothing more, nothing less, yet it encompasses everything.

One person's kindness might feel like confinement to another. One person's devotion could cause distress to someone else. One person's nurturing may stir a longing for freedom in another.

Beyond the dualities of earthly existence, there exists only truth and the intention to do no harm. It may seem deceptively simple, but living truthfully, speaking the truth, and holding the intention to do no harm are both potent and demand tremendous courage.

Let's recap. To liberate yourself from suffering, you can:

1. Return to yourself, to your central column of light. Feel your soul essence bridging the gap between heaven and earth. Experience the energy coursing up and down through you—from the crown of your head down to the earth through your perineum.

2. Reclaim your energy from everyone and everything, ascending to a perspective that encompasses your entire life span, past and present, from this moment. Ask yourself:

  - At the soul level, what do I yearn to learn?
  - How do I aspire to connect?
  - What kind of life and interactions do I desire?
  - What frequency do I wish to resonate with most often?

3. Reflect on your top two go-to coping mechanisms when you're hurt or fearful.

4. Contemplate the top three things you believe you owe others.

5. Ponder the top three things you think others owe you.

6. Meditate on the top three things you feel you owe yourself.

7. Can you grant yourself all the things you believe others, yourself, and you owe others? Can you fully embrace the responsibility of meeting these needs internally?

8. Are you living truthfully and authentically?

9. Are you living with an intention to not harm?

We recognize that this introspective journey can be intense. Don't be surprised if you initially resist answering these questions.

Return to them in your own time, when you're ready to embark on this transformative healing journey, all while anchoring your awareness in your central column of light, in the present moment. Just as you can't force yourself to grieve, you can't force yourself to heal. You'll recognize when the timing aligns and the approach feels right for you.

This guidance is offered as a gift. Remember, there is no single correct method for transcending the duality and the heavy vibrations that often pervade the Earth realm. Do it in a way that resonates with your inner truth and feels perfect for you.

Embrace your innate wisdom and become your guide, guru, and healer. You possess everything you need within, and you can establish a direct connection with the divine on your terms when you seek assistance.

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