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What Are the 7 Habits You Need to Quit Immediately to Be More Successful?

What Are the Habits You Need to Quit Immediately to Be More Successful?


Are you sleepwalking my friend? Do you know what you want, and why you want it?

So many of us are allowing the media, culture landscape, family, friends, and even people we don’t like very much to influence what we think we should be doing with our lives. It’s working in the subconscious most of the time, unless we get conscious, unless we WAKE ourselves UP.

Ask yourselves, is this what I want? Most people think they should strive to be, ‘more successful,’ but what does success mean to you? How would it feel in your body?

‘MORE successful,’ could, in fact, equate to LESS. Less working hours per week, less money coming in, less money going out, more time. It could mean less working hours and more money. It could mean doing exactly what you are doing now, but bringing more ease and sweetness into your efforts so each day feels satisfying or exhilarating instead of exhausting.

Remember, the truth feels light and lies heavy. What do you want MORE of? What do you want LESS of? Why?



Wake up. Face the fear of knowing your own answer, standing in your own truth. Watch how everything begins to shift and change.


Yes, I know you say you want to be successful. You want X. You want X so much.

So you say.

But do you?

Are you having trouble taking action, massive action, each and every day toward what you want? Then your desire is weak, and success will be limited.

If your desire is strong, then willpower won’t be a problem. If you blame your willpower, then that is a red flag to check back in again. Do you really want what you say you do? 

If you say you want something, but you are not willing to pay the price of attaining it; you find yourself wanting to do something else more than what you ‘should’ be doing, pause. Question. 

Am I weak in desire for this? Why?

To be more successful your desire must be strong. The commitment must be there to match your strong desire and you must be willing to give up ease, free time, and other activities so that you can direct energy and intention.

To be more successful in getting what you want ensure that your desire is intense enough to fuel you forward through obstacles and detours, challenges and insecurities.


Banish fear from your being every time it appears in your thoughts, in your speech, in your being and doing. Fear can be insidious, sound logical, and mask itself in many cloaks. It shows up as questions, ‘but’, and ‘what if’, ‘why me,’ ‘I can’t,’ 

Courage is not something you are given, but that you earn every time you look fear in the face and say, “I can and I will.” 

I can and I will.

Every creeping question and insecurity that arises into consciousness is met with,

‘why not me?’

‘why not now?’

‘why don’t I give it a go?’

‘a person of courage would… and I am a person of courage.’

Banish fear and its whole host of negative emotions moment by moment, day by day.

Be courageous, think courage, speak courage, do courage. 

‘I can and I will…..’


Do you wait to feel motivated to do things? Stop.

Now that you have ensured your desire is truly yours, your desire is strong, and banished fear as you take action, it’s time to replace motivation with energy and invincible determination.

Energy and invincible determination are the next link in the chain toward greater success.

You can think, ‘I can and I will,’ count to three, and take action without being motivated. Do it enough times and you will begin to create a groove in your brain. 

I can and I will, 1,2,3, GO. 

You’ll be creating your own trigger and no motivation or talking yourself up to the need to do the thing before you. 

You can not feel in the mood, not at all, and step into an icy cold shower and stand there calmly. You can groan and sit down at a laptop, say ‘I can and I will,’ press record, and smile into the camera even if you’re heart is beating so loud you think it will record as background music to your words.  

Your head goes pound in protest, your eyes glued together in refusal, and you can say to yourself, I can and I will, 1,2,3, GO, and wake up at 5:30 in the morning. It’s possible. 

The key is the circle back to the invincible determination to get what you desire and a belief you can wire your brain and body to work for you.


Do not allow your mind to be clouded with negative self-talk, or the mind and body to be overwhelmed with negative emotion. For every negative thought, replace it with a positive, over and over, in a game of persistence until you turn the tide.

The first step is to rid your brain and body of energy-depleting negative emotions. The second step is to get curious.

When was the last time you asked yourself a question about a problem and gave your brain time to come up with an answer? The brain loves questions.

How much time do you take each day to sit, in quiet, to just think things through? If you want to be more successful, you need to give up mental laziness, which is both a refusal to concentrate and a refusal to sit and just be, letting your subconscious work through solutions.

If there is always a digital gizmo in your hands, or in your ear, how can your subconscious get to work? If you are busy busy busy doing this and that, getting so much done, but always on the same plane, then how can you go up a level to more success?

Creativity needs questions, time, and breathing room. 


Stop wasting your energy to up-level your success. Pull your energy in, and direct it to acting each and every day toward acquiring what you desire. 

To be more successful you must give up the urge to impress others, to prove to others, to give away for free. Instead, reserve your energy and direct it into acting and creating with full power that which you dream of coming true.

Put the best of yourself into your doing, and all of this doing is aimed with strategic direction toward the vision you are in love with creating. You don’t need to give a free show; reserve your best for your job and consistently show up and give your best effort, knowing more will come.


Give up the habit of doubting and worrying to bring in more success; both are born of fear, and fear is abhorrent of success.

Every time a doubt or worry arises in your mind, or in your body, replace it with hope, courage, conviction, and confidence. Repeat I can and I will and get your brain and body into calm action toward your goal.

Just as you can’t arrive successfully at your desire without a plan, nor can you if driven with a flurry of activity fueled by doubt, worry, and fear. Bring ease and grace into your efforts, bring a pause between the doings to breathe deeply, ask questions, and be patient and confident that the answer will surface from your subconscious with time.

Fall in love with the journey and the person you are becoming by continuing forward with faith, perseverance, invincible determination, and courage.

Wishing you radiant health, joy, and success, Heather

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